Wednesday, November 27, 2019
The Strength and Thickness of Carbon Fiber Cloth
The Strength and Thickness of Carbon Fiber Cloth Carbon fiber is the backbone of lightweight composites. Understanding what carbon fiber cloth is required knowing the manufacturing process and composite industry terminology. Below you will find information on carbon fiber cloth and what the different product codes and styles mean. Carbon Fiber Strength It needs to be understood that all carbon fiber is not equal. When the carbon is manufactured into fibers, special additives and elements are introduced to increase strength properties. The primary strength property that carbon fiber is judged upon, is modulus. Carbon is manufactured into tiny fibers through either the PAN or Pitch process. The carbon is manufactured in bundles of thousands of tiny filaments and wound onto a roll or bobbin. There are three major categories of raw carbon fiber: High Modulus Carbon Fiber (Aerospace Grade)Intermediate Modulus Carbon FiberStandard Modulus Carbon Fiber (Commercial Grade) Although we might come in contact with aerospace grade carbon fiber on an aircraft, such as the new 787 Dreamliner, or see it in a Formula 1 car on TV; the majority of us will likely come in contact with commercial grade carbon fiber more frequently. Common uses of commercial grade carbon fiber include: Sporting goodsCar hoods and aftermarket partsAccessories, like iPhone cases Each manufacturer of raw carbon fibers has their own nomenclature of the grade. For example, Toray Carbon Fiber calls their commercial grade T300, while Hexcels commercial grade is called AS4. Carbon Fiber Thickness As previously mentioned, raw carbon fiber is manufactured in tiny filaments (around 7 microns), these filaments are bundled into rovings which are wound onto spools. The spools of fiber are later used directly in processes like pultrusion or filament winding, or they can be woven into fabrics. These carbon fiber rovings are comprised of thousands of filaments and are almost always a standard amount. These are: 1,000 c (1k carbon fiber)3,000 filaments (3k carbon fiber)6,000 filaments (6k carbon fiber)12,000 filaments (12k carbon fiber) This is why if you hear an industry professional talking about carbon fiber, they might say, I am using a 3k T300 plain weave fabric. Well, now you will know that they are using a carbon fiber fabric that is woven with Toray standard modulus CF fiber, and it is using fiber that has 3,000 filaments per strand. It should go without saying then, that the thickness of a 12k carbon fiber roving will be twice that of a 6k, four times as a 3k, etc. Due to efficiencies in manufacturing, a thicker roving with more filaments, such as a 12k strand, is usually less expensive per pound than a 3k of equal modulus. Carbon Fiber Cloth Spools of carbon fiber are taken to a weaving loom, where the fibers are then woven into fabrics. The two most common types of weaves are plain weave and twill. Plain weave is a balanced checker board pattern, where each strand goes over then under each strand in the opposite direction. Whereas a twill weave looks like a wicker basket. Here, each strand goes over one opposing strand, then under two. Both twill and plain weaves have an equal amount of carbon fiber going each direction, and their strengths will be very similar. The difference is primarily an aesthetic appearance. Every company that weaves carbon fiber fabrics will have their own terminology. For example, a 3k plain weave by Hexcel is called HexForce 282, and is commonly called 282 (two eighty-two) for short. This fabric has 12 strands of 3k carbon fiber per inch, in each direction.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
3 Key Career Tips for Millennials
3 Key Career Tips for Millennials Ah, â€Å"the millennials.†Faceless generation of socially networked people who never touched a rotary phone- or so the media likes to generalize. In reality, the only thing that millennials have in common is being born around the same time. As such, there’s no â€Å"one size fits all†career approach that will boost all millennials as they enter and push further into the workforce. However, there are some career tips to keep in mind as you get started in your professional life. 1. Social networking does NOT equal social capital.According to career guru Margaret Heffernan, who gave a 2015 TED Talk about how to get more out of workplace structure, one of the most important things an employee (or employer) can do is to build bonds in the workplace, and enable things like casual stand-up meetings or coffee breaks to facilitate conversation. This builds â€Å"social capital,†or mutual trust and reliance. This is different from social networking, where we mig ht know where a colleague had dinner last night, but not necessarily much insight about what makes them tic professionally. Social media (and the tech-savviness it suggests) is a great tool, but you can’t replace good old-fashioned conversation with retweets.2. It’s okay not to be â€Å"on†all the time.There’s a certain perception that if you’re young and ambitious, you’re willing to â€Å"do what it takes†around the clock to move up and ahead. That could mean long hours, or it could mean putting yourself â€Å"on call†to answer emails at 10:30 at night. And while showing devotion and round-the-clock competence looks good to anyone who might be observing from a distance, it’s not going to mean much if you burn out early. Don’t neglect work-life balance, even at the start of your career. You’re committing to a career for the long haul, so setting dangerously high precedents early on can turn on you later on if your priorities change or you decide that your old work habits just aren’t sustainable.3. Time management is key.This is the mantra for all ages, actually. But for millennials, who are seen as natural multitaskers thanks to technology, it’s especially relevant right now. Set aside time for big projects or necessary productivity. Ignore your inbox for an hour (if possible) in order to check off some hard to-dos from your list. Look at your week in advance, and figure out what you need to do and when you can do it, to avoid running into a crunch time.Super-multitasking (email + chat + work task + second work task in the background) can be exhausting, and may lead to shoddier â€Å"productivity.†Mistakes happen when you’re trying to do too many things at once, so be sure to take specific â€Å"breaks†throughout the day from various tasks in order to give your attention to other things that need to be done as well.Whether you’re just get ting started out of school or still figuring out what you want your long-term career path to be, keeping these ideas in mind can help you navigate those bumpy early days. (And by â€Å"early days,†I mean every day until your retirement party.)
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Video case Wild Planet Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Video Wild Planet - Case Study Example Social factors are also an important influence over consumer behavior. An example of the use that Wild planet took of this factor is its room remodeling and design range targeted at girls. The range is based on the concept that girls lose interest in toys faster, and begin to spend more time in their room. In addition, they show a strong desire to impress those of their age group. The company was able to take advantage of this to produce a line that appealed to girls of this age group. Personal factors include a number of factors related to the situation of the individual. In the case of Wild Planet, they need to take into account both the personal factors related to the parent and the child. Parents generally look for toys that will do more for a child than give them something to play with and Wild Planet works with this by producing toys that stimulate the imagination and brain function such as logic in children. The final factor that influences consumer behavior is physiological. This includes motivation, learning, beliefs and attitude. Wild Planet takes particular advantage of this, encouraging the idea that their products are more than simply toys, they offer children numerous benefits in terms of mental growth , as well as being highly desirable to children. 2. Wild Planet operates in a different manner than most other companies. Rather than trying to predict what consumers are likely to desire, Wild Planet involves its consumers in the creative process. Specifically, they develop toys that are aimed to be appealing to children, while at the same time providing children with mental and physical stimulation. One way that Wild Planet works to advertise and encourage sale of its products is the realization that it is both the children and the parents that make the decision for what toys they buy. As a consequence, Wild Planet targets their advertising at both groups. The toys that Wild Planet creates are
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Discussion Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 21
Discussion Questions - Essay Example If one element would be selected for replacement or upgrade, it would be the software system because this is the system that needs most regular updates. This element should be updated regularly to ensure that all applications are being accessed and to be apprised of the most advanced developments that would facilitate the functioning of the unit. A consistent set of policies and procedures that would ensure the protection of information systems in the workplace should include intensifying authorizations to work areas, including access to information systems, through the use of advanced technological breakthroughs in ID checking, monitoring, and access. As such, these policies and procedures should be regularly reviewed and updated to reflect changing conditions in the workplace and to incorporate new technologies that intensify needed protection of privacy and confidentiality of personal, professional and organizational information. In one’s organization, as soon as biometric identification services were offered in the market, this was immediately implemented to strictly enforce security measures as part of the policies and procedures. IT managers, just like any other managers in any organization, could possibly fail when the functions and responsibilities expected of the position and role are not carried out, as required. This included being apprised of current and future trends in technology that would potentially impact and influence the operations of the organization. Therefore, managers must be aware of being too complacent with current operations, regardless of how efficient current operations are. To avoid these pitfalls, these managers must exemplify skills of introspection, information-processing, as well as resource generation and allocation skills that focus on being proactive, rather than reactive. When implementing both technical and organizational changes, some variables that need to be considered and incorporated are scanning the environment
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Oppressed Caribbean Culture Essay Example for Free
Oppressed Caribbean Culture Essay Caribbean culture, in so far as it is conceded to exist, is at once the cause, occasion, and result of evolved and evolving paradoxes. The psychic inheritance of dynamic response to disparate elements interacting to find ideal, form, and purpose within set geographical boundaries over time could not have produced otherwise. The 1990s have witnessed no less of this, precisely because the decade serves to encapsulate contradictions in human development over the past half a millennium. The entire Caribbean, and indeed all of the modern Americas of which the Caribbean, like the United States, is only one part, are the creatures of the awesome process of cross-fertilization following on the encounters between the old civilizations of Europe, Africa, and Asia on foreign soil and they, in turn, with the old Amerindian civilizations developed on American soil long before Christopher Columbus set foot on it. It is a development that has helped to shape the history and modern condition of the world for some half a millennium and one that has resulted in distinctive culture-spheres in the Western hemisphere, each claiming its own inner logic and consistency. The Caribbean, at the core of which are a number of island nations, themselves in sub-regional groupings, is conscious of the dynamics of its development. For it rests firmly on the agonizing and challenging process actualized in simultaneous acts of negating and affirming, demolishing and constructing, rejecting and reshaping. Nowhere is this more evident that in the creative arts, themselves a strong index of a peoples cultural distinctiveness and identity. Admittedly, other indices of culture such as linguistic communication, which underpins the oral and indigenous scribal literatures of the region, religion, and kinship patterns, reveal the texture and internal diversity that are the result of cross-fertilization of differing elements. The result is an emerging lifestyle, worldview, and a nascent ontology and epistemology that all speak to Caribbean historical experience and existential reality, in some cases struggling to gain currency and legitimacy worldwide (and even among some of its own people) for being native-born and nativebred. For this is the original meaning of Creole. Whites born in the American colonies were regarded as creoles by their metropolitan cousins. And the Jamaican-born slaves were similarly differentiated from their salt-water Negro colleagues freshly brought in from West Africa. The term was soon to be hijacked by or attributed to the mulatto (half-caste) who defiantly claimed certified rootedness in the coloniesa status not as easily claimed by the person of African or European descent whose ancestry lay elsewhere, it was felt, other than in the Caribbean or the Americas. An understanding of the shared human thirst for freedom in terms of its cultural significance is critical. For the impulses that drive the Caribbean people (like people anywhere) to freedom within nation states, to the right to choose their own friends and political systems, and to independent paths to development are the same impulses that drive them to the creation of their own music, their own languages and literature, their own gods and religious belief-systems, their own kinship patterns, modes of socialization, and self-perceptions. All plans made for them from outside must take this fact into account, whatever may be the dictates of military and strategic interests or the statistical logic of tabulated growth rates and gross national products. The Caribbean people, faced as they are with the post-colonial imperative of shaping civil society and building nations, expect to be taken seriously in terms of their proven capacities to act creatively in coordinated social interaction over centuries in the Americas. They feel passionately that their history and experience are worthy of theory and explanation and expect others to understand and appreciate this fact. They are unique, paradoxically because they are like everybody else. The Caribbean has been engaged in freedom struggles and its inhabitants have been at the job of creating their own languages, and designing their own appropriate lifestyles for as long as and, in some cases, longer than most parts of what became the United States. Recognition of this and the according of the status due such achievement is a prized wish of all Caribbean peopleBlack, White, Mestizo, Indian (indigenous and transplanted), Chinese, and Lebanese. By general critical consent, the principal women writers in English to emerge, so far, from the Caribbean are the properly varied trio of Jamaica Kincaid (Elaine Potter Richardson) and Jean Rhys. I say properly varied because the immensely mixed political and social history of the Caribbean is reflected by and in its writers. Kincaid, the most experimental of the three, is seen by her admirers as a deliberate subverted of Dead White European Male modes of narrative. Yet any reader deeply immersed in Western literature will recognize that prose poetry, Kincaids medium, always has been one of the staples of literary fantasy or mythological romance, including much of what we call childrens literature. Centering almost always upon the mother-daughter relationship, Kincaid returns us inevitably to perspectives familiar from our experience of the fantasy narratives of childhood. Kincaid genuinely expresses her regard to Caribbean as those that have been creolized into indigenous form and purpose distinctively different from the original elements from which those expressions first sprang. With some of those original elements, especially those from a European source, themselves reinforcing their claims on the region, whether through politics, economic control, or cultural penetration, the Caribbean is becoming even more conscious not only of its own unique expressions but also of the dynamism and nature of the process underlying these expressions. These in turn constitute the basis for the claims made for a Caribbean identity. Jean Rhys, of Creole Dominican descent, is a formidable contrast to Marshall and seems to me the major figure to emerge thus far among Caribbean women writers. Though she lived mostly in Paris and England, the imagination of Rhys came fully alive in her novel of 1966, Wide Sargasso Sea, a remarkable retelling of Charlotte Brontes Jane Eyre from the perspective of Bertha Mason, Rochesters mad first wife. The terrifying predicament of the 19th-century Creole women of the West Indies, regarded as white niggers by colonialists and as European oppressors by blacks, is presented by Rhys with unforgettable poignancy and force. Shrewdly exploiting the modernist formal originalities of her mentor, Ford Maddox Ford, Rhys achieved a near masterpiece in Wide Sargasso Sea. Allusive, parodistic, and intensely wrought, the novel remains the most successful prose fiction in English to emerge from the Caribbean matrix. In Wide Sargasso Sea, the starting point is this placelessness. Although Rhyss novel starts with Antoinettes childhood in Coulibri, its boundaries lie outside the novel in another womans text. In Jane Eyre we have the madwoman Bertha locked up in the attic of Thornfield Hall. The significant title Wide Sargasso Sea refers to the dangers of the sea voyage. Rochester first crosses the Atlantic alone to a place which threatens to destroy him, then once more, bringing his new wife to England. Both Rochester and Antoinette are transformed through this passage. Rochester gives Antoinette a new name, Bertha, and in England she finally is locked up as mad. Rhys finds her own place in Jane Eyre, a prisoner of anothers desire. She sets out to describe that place and, in doing that, she redefines it as her own. In her challenge to Jane Eyre, Rhys draws on the collective experience of black people as sought out, uprooted, and transported across the Middle Passage and finally locked up and brutally exploited for economic gain. She uses this experience and the black forms of resistance as modes through which the madwoman in Jane Eyre is recreated. In the film version Wide Sargasso Sea develops stereotypes of Black West Indians that strongly mirror Bogles discussion of classic film depictions of African Americans. The inner stereotype in the film is that of the tragic mulatto which, the film hints, describes Angelique, the evidently White child who has been raised by Blacks. Although Angelique insists on her Whiteness, a menacing dark skinned stranger claims at diverse points in the film to be her brother through her fathers relationship with a slave. The viewer is left to consider whether the widowed plantation owner seen at the beginning of the film is actually Angeliques mother. While it does not answer this question directly, it obviously shows through Angeliques actions that her culture is far more African than European. These suspicions, actions, and Angeliques reliance on the ex-slave Christophine ultimately destroy her marriage and drive her insane. Christophine, herself, fulfills the mammy role since the film portrays her as a constant presence who fiercely guards Angelique from all dangers. In the West Indian context, though, she is given a twist, as she is not only guardian angel but also a practitioner of the magical art of obeah. This portrayal a staple of films dealing with the West Indies is never completely developed. Nevertheless, the film permits us to witness its potency, as Angelique, despairing of keeping her husbands love, calls on Christophine to develop a magical potion to bind his affections to hers. One opponent for those affections is Emily, a young Black servant who might well be characterized as a female Black buck a sexual predator who seduces a married White man into interracial unfaithfulness. Finally, there is Nelson, the long-suffering head of the household who intimately approximates Bogles Tom. In the film, insults of various sorts that are directed towards him result only in silence and a determination to remain a faithful servant. Though, in Dominican novelist Jean Rhys Wide Sargasso Sea (1966), the islands riotous vegetation and dramatic landscape are depicted with an ominous intensity that prompts the protagonists English husband to equate it with evil. Lally, the narrator of another Dominican classic, Phyllis Shand Allfrey The Orchid House ( 1953), faced with the menacing power the islands nature exerts over Stella and Andrew, ruefully concludes that the island offered nothing but beauty and disease. Rhyss protagonists, most evidently Antoinette in Wide Sargasso Sea, share a view of England as deadening, grey and emotionally destructive. England is a place of hypocrites, and the English have a bloody, bloody sense of humour. With a West Indian accent, she goes on, and stupid, lord, lord (Wide Sargasso Sea: 134). But it remains Rhyss place, the source of those English books which provided an early contribution to her construction of herself as writer. The idea of definitive national origin and affiliation is a source of anxiety for Rhyss protagonists. For Rhys herself nationality was complicated by her exile and her race: also England did not value her Caribbean origins. For Rhyss women, as perhaps for herself, England is also a place where human emotions, especially those associated with sexuality, are outlawed or repressed; she described sex in a letter of 1949 as a strange Anglo-Saxon word (Abalos, David T. 1998, 66). Hemond Brown comments that Rhyss attitude to England remained remarkably consistent over her whole writing career: For those fifty-odd years, England meant to her everything she despised (Bandon, Alexandra. 1995). But despite this, she surely demonstrated in her characterisation of working-class English chorus girls and call girls and Rochester (perhaps informed by her important attachments to Lancelot Grey, Hugh Smith, Leslie Tilden Smith and Max Hamer, all upper- or middle-class Englishmen), that the poor Englishwoman and even the colonizing, socially secure Englishman have their own areas of serious emotional damage. She may have blown off steam sometimes, but in her fiction she took pains to be fair to the country which had both given her sustained literary identity and denied her dignity. In the Caribbean, complex racial narratives are the most powerful signifiers, although class increasingly reverberates now. In England, in Rhyss lifetime, it was the class narrative which primarily constructed identity, though Rhys clearly writes the importance of race as a formative self-construction from her Dominican childhood. She sometimes sees race and class as equally important even in England, as in the case of Selina, who carries Rhyss own outlaw status during an important period of her life. In the two explicitly Caribbean novels, Voyage in the Dark and Wide Sargasso Sea, race is evidently a major source of identity. Jean Rhys had long described the cultural dialectic of his regions historical experience and contemporary reality in the following way: But the tribe in bondage learned to fortify itself by cunning assimilation of the religion of the Old World. What seemed to be surrender was redemption. What seemed the loss of tradition was its renewal. What seemed the death of faith was its rebirth. Caribbean existential reality is here portrayed as a creature of paradox. Surface appearances may well be masks for their opposites. What one sees is not likely to be what one gets. Other similar manuscript was in Goodbye Mother by Reinaldo Arenas, the grief inundated daughters Ofelia, Otilia, Odilia and Onelia kill themselves in front of their dead mum just for their cadavers to occasion a series of triumphant choruses from the legion of rats and maggots who feast on the putrefactory banquet. Neither of these authors, nor the evenly talented Rene Depestre and the former Dominican President Juan Bosch, is Anglophonic. Its usually believed that the most excellent Caribbean literature in English consists of chronological polemics On the other hand Cristina Garcia novel â€Å"Dreaming In Cuban†tells the stories of the women of a Cuban family, scattered by revolution but still connected through a shared past. The narrative is polyphony of several voices who, in turn, describe their world from their viewpoint. Characters include Lourdes, an anti-Castro exile who runs a chain of Yankee Doodle Bakeries, and Felicia, whose perceptions connect and blur the lines between insanity and santeria. Pillar, Lourdess daughter and an aspiring punk artist, is determined to return to Cuba to reconnect with her grandmother and make her present life meaningful. She laments that history does not tell the important stories and longs to recover Cuba for herself: [T]heres only imagination where our history should be (138). In the title of Dreaming in Cuban, Dreaming includes all the diverse dreams of Garcias female protagonists about the nature of being Cuban, what it is to be Cuban, to dream, not in American, but in Cuban. This necessitates Garcias taking into account all the conflicting elements of contemporary Cuban-ness for Cuban and Cuban American women. Amazingly, she never invalidates or disputes the diverse and conflicting perspectives of these different dreamers. She succeeds by giving readers a complexity of experience beyond binaries, where many diverse and conflicting perspectives circle around one another endlessly. These differences are constructed by differences in the various ideologies that the characters embrace communism, capitalism, traditional gender relations, voodoo, and feminismand also by differences in their experiences due to varying historical locations in time and place.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Lorraine Hansberrys A Raisin In The Sun - Dignity and the American Dr
Dignity and the American Dream in A Raisin in the Sun    The American Dream, although different for each of us, is what we all aspire to achieve. In Lorraine Hansberry's, play, A Raisin in the Sun, each member of the Younger family desperately hopes for their own opportunity to achieve the American Dream. The American Dream to the Younger family is to own a home, but beyond that, to Walter Younger, it is to be accepted by white society.  In the book entitled " Advertising the American Dream", Roland Marchand refers to the American Dream as the belief that "if you work hard and play by the rules, then you will achieve your goals" (Marchand 1). In the play, Walter Lee Younger does not do either one of these things. Walter doesn't show up for work regularly and he certainly has no intentions of playing by the rules to get a business licenses.  Walter Lee is a man stuck in a dead end job that he sees as demeaning and he becomes desperate to free himself from the bonds of poverty, oppression and racial discrimination. Walter Lee feels that with money he can change the hegemony's view of him as a poor, stupid, black servant. The hegemony's social construction of reality about blacks as being lesser and the hegemony's ethnocentric perception of being superior, is corroborated in an article titled "The Colour Bar of Beauty" from The Peak. Cristina Rodrigues, a member of the black cultural and social activist group Olodum, says " In Brazil, nobody wants to be black because the mass media equates black with poor and stupid" (Aujla 2).  Walter has a loving relationship with his family members, but he also has a relationship that frustrates him. Walter's family frustrations are brought on by society's lack o... ...y." The Peak. 4 May 1998: 1-5. Available: Hansberry, Lorraine. A Raisin in the Sun. New York: Signet, 1988. Johnson, Lyndon B. "The American Promise." Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: Lyndon Johnson, vol. 1 (1965), 281. 1-9. Available: Marchand, Roland. Advertising the American Dream. Los Angeles, CA. University of California Press, 1985 Margolin, Michael. "Reasons in the Sun." Metro Times. 25 March 1998: 1-3. Available: U.S. Census Bureau. United States Government Bureau of Statistics. Available: U.S. Federal Law. Cornell Law Resources. Available:
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Body Piercing and Management
Of the many growing trends, body piercing has become very popular. With this practice becoming more popular everyday, many people are frightened away because of sanitary and health reasons. To most peoples surprise the business of body piercing is a safe and clean procedure. Body piercing is a form of self-expression, such as tattoos and hair styles. Piercing are more widely accepted among business today than a couple years ago. Even-though they are becoming more acceptable in society today there is still a misconception of the safety, sterility, and health issues involved. Many people fear the sterility of the piercing process, ergo they don't get the piercing. In actuality piercing is very safe. The piercer has to follow many steps in ensuring the safety of the piercer and the patient. After filling out the proper paperwork, the patient has to decide of the location of the piercing. There are many spots over the human body where one can get pierced. Some of the common spots to get pierced are: the inner and outer ear, the nose, the bridge of you nose, the cheek, lips, tongue, eyebrows, nipples, naval, and the genitalia. If one was to get their tongue pierced, the piercer must decide whether or not it is piercable. If the tongue has a large under-webbing it cannot be pierced. Once the tongue is deemed piercable, the piercer sterilizes all of his equipment. A common set-up for a piercing is as follows: two pairs of surgical gloves, many gauze, a needle, cork, rubber-band, surgical clamp, toothpick, and the jewelry. All of these are placed in a metal cartridge and placed inside a sterilizing machine. The machine heats and compresses distilled water and then blows steam into the cartage sterilizing everything inside. During this time the patient is instructed on the procedure and washing his mouth with bioclean. Bioclean is antibacterial mouth cleaner that destroys 99% of all mouth bacteria. During this time the piercer scrubs his hands with an antibacterial soap, and places one pair of gloves on. The patient sticks out his tongue and the piercer makes a horizontal and vertical make on the tongue if a mild antiseptic dye. The clamps are placed on the top and direct bottom of the tongue and double checked, to ensure that the needle will not pierce a vein. At this time the piercer discards his current pair of gloves and dons the second. He then places the needle on the tongue and pushes it through. Once the needle has passed through, he then places a cork on the end so no one is harmed. The needle is push the rest of the way through with the jewelry. The needle and cork are placed in a sealed biohazard container to await proper disposal. The clamp is removed and placed in an antibacterial solution. The other half is then screwed on and the piercing is over. All the gausses and swabs with no blood are placed in the trash, and any items with blood on them are placed in a biohazard bag. At this time the piercer informs the patient on the proper care and maintenance of the piercing. In an interview with Richard, a piercer at Factor V in Charleston, SC, he states that the most unsanitary and dangerous time for a piercing is seven days afterward. â€Å"People don't follow directions and end-up with an infection. Most piercers pass out a pamphlet with the proper care directions on it. The piercing process is safe when done by a professional. The customer is responsible for the piercing once the piercing process is over. The procedure is so safe that one doesn't even lose taste due to the piercing. Some swelling may occur and pain in very minimal because no nerves were hit. Piercing can be a healthy and fun way express oneself, when done in a clean and experienced environment. But one has to make sure that proper care is given to the piercing.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
A Snowflake Is Winter’s Butterfly
A snowflake is winter’s butterfly. When I awakened, very early, the ground was covered with little pearly snowflakes. They had floated gently from the sky, twirling and whirling. Millions in flight, blanketing the ground with sparkling little pictures traced in a line, and shining whitely. Some magician must have come and by the starlight, worked through all the quiet darkness. I must be dreaming, after what happened†¦ Daddy told me he had a surprise for me, boy do I like surprises! We were going to hunt for reindeers in the mountains near our house. My eyes immediately set aglow, my heart felt warm and excitement rushed through my body.I was finally going to kill my first reindeer and he will fall before me after my finger pulled that trigger. Although I was just a little girl, I always wanted to go and hunt with my daddy and now was my opportunity so I packed a full picnic basket with lots of freshly baked cookies. I gazed in wonder at my first coat as we were leaving t he house. We walked and talked for hours. Although the air was crisp and stirring, love kept me warm and laughter filled me with unspeakable joy. We had a map and when dad said he was just going to peek if the river was nearby, as indicated on the map, I saw something and ran after it.I ran till my lungs burnt and finally came to a sudden stop. I looked around in horror for my daddy but he was now where to be found. After minutes of searching, which felt like hours, the sun said good bye and the night sky greeted with a very chilly, thin wind. I was freezing, shivering and shaking like a pudding in a mould. I was colder than the contents of a million ice cream cones. Oh, I could not feel my fingers neither my toes. Wait, there was something but I couldn’t move. It has been hours in this snow storm. It came closer and closer†¦ A reindeer approached me, pushing his nose against me.I was scared to death and therefore prayed for help. A sudden relief swept over me and the re indeer pushed his nose against me for the second time as if to tell me – â€Å"You’re going to be all right†. A sound escaped it’s throat, and the second reindeer came closer, watching, guiding and then in seconds, the two reindeers came lying beside me, covering me, and warming me. I fell asleep as graceful beauty came raining down, each snowflake like a falling star, smiling beauty that spun afar. I felt peace and serenity before me for the first time in hours.The sun rose higher and higher with his wand of golden fire. I was suddenly awake after the most beautiful dream. DADDY!!! He was calling for me. He searched all night and when he saw me lying there he joyfully embraced me. I told him the miraculous story and he smiled down at me with love and happiness. A snowflake is winter’s butterfly. It doesn’t have the intention of harming you, nor trying to kill you with a snowflake-thunderstorm. It touches your soul lightly until finally you are saved by love. Even by the love of an animal you were so excitedly ready to kill. Charlene Total words: 553
Thursday, November 7, 2019
terrorism and the media essays
terrorism and the media essays The twentieth century all but gave birth to the concept and idea of terrorism, at least towards America. Why was the twentieth century such a prime century to host the breeding of terrorism towards the United States? The book Terrorism and the Media, by Brigitte L. Nacos shows exactly why how how terrorism plays on our society. Our country is the leading nation in the world, this is precisely what acts of terrorism play on. There are different types of terrorism, Nacos tells us, as well as different types of perpetrators. Nacos focuses on innocent Americans not in high positions. A major point that Nacos reminds us of, is the fact that it is generally not the grievances of the perpetrators that the public is against, it is the means they use. This book was intended to show the relationship of terrorism to the media and how it thrives on it. Nacos begins with the example of the World Trade Center Bombing in 1993, the largest terrorist attack on American soil up to that point. This attack dispelled the myth that large terrorist attacks could not be staged on U.S. soil. Nacos continues, however, with numerous examples of incidents abroad involving Americans: the killing of 258 Americans at the Embassy in Beirut, the murder of a navy diver in the hijacking of TWA flight 847, the bombing of Pan Am flight 103 and the subsequent killing of 270 passengers aboard, and many more. Nacos uses all these examples to show that in adding up the damages, costs, and number of victims, terrorism ends up being merely a nuisance numerically when one considers the number of deaths occurring in the U.S. Yet the significance, says Nacos, does not lie in the number of lives taken or in the amount of destruction inflicted; it lies in the number of lives threatened and in the amount of fear and terror generated (3). This is where the media comes into play according to Nacos; The way the media, the public, and decision-makers react to vi...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
How to Write a Perfect Admin Assistant Cover Letter (Examples Included)
How to Write a Perfect Admin Assistant Cover Letter (Examples Included) Here at TheJobNetwork, we talk a lot about how to build the perfect resume- after all, it’s your chance to show a potential employer who you are, what you do, and what you will do for them. But although the cover letter has become somewhat controversial in recent years, with the advent of digital hiring tools and job application apps, it’s an element that you should be able to knock out of the park when you need it.For admin assistants, the cover letter can be a useful way to personalize your resume and packaging for the job to which you’re applying. Having been there, I know the pluses and minuses of having versatile admin experience- sure, you’ve got flexible skills that you can take pretty much everywhere. but when you’re trying to frame yourself as a unique candidate, how do you take those universal admin skills and experience and make them fit the exact job you want?First, let’s start with the basics of a good cover letter.Necessity #1: An Appropriate AddresseeIf you have a direct name (hiring manager, recruiter, etc.), all the better- make sure the opener is polite and personalized. If you don’t have a specific name, you can still personalize it to the company.For example:Dear Ms. Perkins, Hello Ms. Perkins, Greetings Ms. Perkins, Dear Techedge Industries Team,You need to strike the right balance between conversational and formal. Definitely don’t go too casual. The fact that you’re likely submitting these online, or writing an email, can lead to a false sense of familiarity with the person.Bad examples:Hey Phyllis, Phyllis Perkins, Hello: To Whom it May Concern:All of these greetings are either too casual, or too vague. â€Å"To Whom it May Concern†is the cover letter equivalent of getting mail addressed to â€Å"occupant†: chances are it’s going to be passed on without reading. It suggests that the cover letter writer is applying indiscriminately. that might not be the case (you might just be covering for the fact that you don’t have a specific contact person), but they don’t know that). it’s important to be as clear and direct as possible in your cover letter.Necessity #2: Your NarrativeThe whole point of your cover letter is adding context to you, and your resume. On your resume, you have limited space, and the priority goes to potent, high-quality bullet points to illustrate your skills and experience. The cover letter is your chance to craft the larger story of your career, and why you would be a good fit for this job in particular.For example:As an experienced administrative assistant and a lifelong home baker, I am thrilled to be applying for this position with Gina’s homemade cookie company. Ive worked in companies that are large, small, and somewhere in between, and have found that my skills fit best in a small, close-knit company like Gina’s. I have experience implementing new systems t hat improve record keeping and office efficiency, and with working as part of a team coordinating complex schedules and details while making sure everything gets done on time.Bad example:I am applying for a job at Gina’s homemade cookie company. Please see my attached resume, and let me know if you have any questions.In the good example, the applicant shows that she’s done her research on Gina’s homemade cookie company (company size, general culture), and is showing how she might fit well in that (as a baking enthusiast and experienced admin). The writer doesn’t necessarily go into her life history, but picks highlights that dovetail well with the job description. It also gives the reader a preview of the kinds of experience to expect in the resume.In the bad example, the cover letter body says nothing about the writer and does nothing to supplement the resume. It’s just an unnecessary attachment.Necessity #3: A Strong FinishAlways have a clo sing paragraph that restates the highlights (why you’re a good fit) and leaves room for follow-up.For example:I would love to have the opportunity to join your team and look forward to hearing more about this opening. My skills and experience as an admin (and a cookie enthusiast) would be a great fit as an administrative assistant in your company. please don’t hesitate to contact me if there’s any other information I can provide.Bad example:Please let me know more about this job opening.In these examples, one writer reminds the reader why she is a good fit; the other writer puts the onus on the reader to give more information about the job itself and says nothing about herself in the meantime. You want to make sure you’re aligning yourself with the job in the reader’s mind, and this is your last chance to do so before they read your resume.Necessity #4: Clean FormattingLike with your resume, you want your cover letter to be clear and easy to read. That means:A standard font. This is not the time to test out â€Å"fun†fonts. Pick something clean and basic, like times.No huge blocks of text. In a letter, unbroken paragraphs can look like the ramblings of a manifesto. You want your reader to see a series of separate, elegantly outlined points.Short Length. A cover letter should never be more than a page, and even a full page is definitely pushing it. Brevity is the soul of wit and the friend of application readers everywhere.For example:My attached resume goes into more detail about my daily job duties and achievements during my tenure as an administrative assistant at two companies. My experience managing complex schedules, overseeing busy offices, and leading junior staff would be an asset to this role.I would love to have to opportunity to join the team at Gina’s homemade cookies, and bring my expertise in managing day-to-day office processes to your company. I believe I can meet and exceed the expecta tions you have for this role, and I look forward to speaking more with you about my application. Feel free to contact me at any time.Bad example:My attached resume goes into more detail about my daily job duties and achievements during my tenure as an administrative assistant at two companies. My experience managing complex schedules, overseeing busy offices, and leading junior staff would be an asset to this role. I would love to have to opportunity to join the team at Gina’s homemade cookies and bring my expertise in managing day-to-day office processes to your company. I believe I can meet and exceed the expectations you have for this role, and I look forward to speaking more with you about my application. Feel free to contact me at any time.That’s a lot to cram into one paragraph. Crafting shorter, punchier paragraphs can help you focus your letter on the points you want the reader to notice, and keep it visually appealing as well.After that closing pitch, all you have left is the closing. Like with the opening address, it should be simple and polite. Not too flowery (â€Å"kindest warmest regards, dear recruiter†is†¦unnecessary.For example:Best wishes,Sincerely,Bad examples:Thanks.Fondest wishes,[name- no greeting]Please hit me back, And after that, you’re done! Well, except for the resume, the interview, and the negotiation. But your cover letter is in the books, and you have been introduced to your possible future employer.Let’s take a last look at the sample cover letter as a whole:Dear Ms. Perkins,As an experienced administrative assistant and a lifelong home baker, I am thrilled to be applying for this position with gina’s homemade cookie company. Ive worked in companies that are large, small, and somewhere in between, and have found that my skills fit best in a small, close-knit company like Gina’s. I have experience implementing new systems that improve record keeping and office efficiency, and with working as part of a team coordinating complex schedules and details while making sure everything gets done on time.My attached resume goes into more detail about my daily job duties and achievements during my tenure as an administrative assistant at two companies. My experience managing complex schedules, overseeing busy offices, and leading junior staff would be an asset to this role.I would love to have to opportunity to join the team at Gina’s homemade cookie and bring my expertise in managing day-to-day office processes to your company. I believe I can meet and exceed the expectations you have for this role, and I look forward to speaking more with you about my application. Feel free to contact me at any time.Sincerely,Francine WatersShort, to-the-point, informative, appropriate: now thats a letter that shows what a good admin assistant francine would be!Looking for an administrative assistant job? TheJobNetwork has you covered! Search admin assistant jobs in your city: hundreds of jobs in many fields await!
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Widgets and Gadgets Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Widgets and Gadgets - Essay Example Licensing and registration, shareholder agreement, privacy policies, and confidentiality agreement are the specific areas of high importance when incorporating an IT based company. The business of widgets and gadgets in the form of company requires certain general legislations as well as industry specific rules and regulations. In the beginning, the major legal points related to incorporation of a business of widgets and gadgets are discussed and then followed by industry specific legislations. In United States, the formation and incorporation of a company is held under the law of local state. Mostly companies get themselves incorporated under the law of Delaware (Division of Corporations, 2011). The core reasons behind the selection of Delaware state law are very well nationally recognized statute available for corporations, well developed and organized case laws facilities and the presence of more than 50% of US corporations in the state of Delaware. Acquiring a registered agent is a requirement under the law of Delaware as this agent is supposed to act on behalf of the organization and to represent the company in various legal encounters (How to form a Business Entity, 2011). The next step is the formation of a name of the company. By paying around $75.00, name of the company can be reserved for at least a period of 120 days in the record of Delaware Division of Corporations. Legal papers such as Certificate of Incorporation/Formation and Certificate of Status/Good Standing are required to be obtained under Delaware Division of Corporations. Fees related to incorporation, filing of names and legal papers must be submitted. All companies formed in the State of Delaware are required to submit an Annual Report along with $50. The franchise tax has different tax rates with different amounts of profits the company earns in a given financial year. The payment period also varies in the similar manner. Electronic filing of
Friday, November 1, 2019
The Social Impact of Automobile Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
The Social Impact of Automobile - Essay Example We are popular with possession of the right product, and, at the same time, own our individuality. The car has moved far from being just a tool of convenience or necessity, it has come to life within our minds and our culture. The intricate psychological reasoning for these insecurities is as varied as the individuals themselves. â€Å"Every adult life could be said to be defined by two great love stories. The first – the story of our quest for sexual love – is well known and well-charted. The second – the story of our quest for love from the world – is a more secret and shameful tale. And yet this second love story is no less intense than the first.†(de Botton, 2004). De Botton’s research for possible cures to â€Å"status anxiety†leads to the idea that the admission of ones mortality puts into perspective elements of status, such as careers, possessions, appearance and fame. (Jutkins, 2006). Life experiences that frustrate the fulfillment of people’s basic needs such as independence, competence and interrelationships result in feelings that lead to differing levels of materialistic pursuits. This tendency is especially heightened under the curren t atmosphere of cultural consumerism. To deal with cultural pressures and their effects, people may resort to what psychologist term as compensatory consumption. That is, consuming even more to feel better. â€Å"This is ironic because this additional consumption often stems from the culture of consumerism itself.†(Kasser, Kanner, 2004, p. 16). The market has positioned the most physical of products such as cars, in ways that provide a kind of healing to consumers. Consumers have been drawn into a self-willed daze by an assault of feel-better-about-yourself advertising. The purchase of what we perceive others believe as beautiful possessions enable us to feel significant and worthwhile, at least for a short time. (Davis, 2002). People buy for recognition from family, friends and
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