Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Wind Power generation station in England Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Wind Power age station in England - Essay Example Task Management alludes to the different sorts of exercises that engaged with Planning, Categorizing, Securing and arranging different assets to achieve a particular point. The essential test of undertaking the executives is to achieve these points and objectives of the task, thinking about of known and sudden possibilities. With the goal that it is the obligation of the task administrator to learn about the natural parts of zone before propelling an undertaking. Here our organization is wanting to fabricate another Wind Power age station in England. The United Kingdom is the eighth greatest producer of wind power on the planet. The current introduced ability is over 5.9 gigawatts. And furthermore after biogas UK is the second most elevated wellspring of sustainable power source. Starting at 2012, there are more than 300 breeze ranches working in the UK, with introduced ability of 5953 MW and 3956 turbines. In a manageable air, the pace of utilization of normal wellsprings of vitalit y by individual movement is beneath the capacity of common world to supplant them. Ecological supportability assumes most huge job in the general achievement of the task. It encourages organizations to have the option to achieve vitality adequacy and obey with ecological approach overseeing carbon emanations. Ecological maintainability assists with decreasing the creation cost so it will help to expanded monetary benefits. The capacity to perceive the key maintainability related information plays a critical situation in driving change in the headings of supportability. â€Å"In today’s quick paced economy, an organization’s information base is rapidly turning into its lone economical upper hand. All things considered, this asset must be secured, developed, and shared among authoritative individuals .Knowledge is required for increasingly compelling and productive administration dynamic with respect to maintainability issues†(Egbu and Renukappa n.d., p. 290). To create authoritative supportability related execution, venture chief need to make out and better fathom the key maintainability related information resources realistic in and across organizations. It is critical for organizations to perceive the key drivers past to executing maintainability related information the board programs. In the event that organizations don't totally comprehend what drives the prerequisite for arranging manageability related information, they may fall into the snare of producing a clumsy information the board strategy and operational plans. The examination incorporates point, objective, approach, conversation and different key issues and provokes looked to begin the breeze power station. Overseeing change related with natural supportability activities, driving and overseeing change in maintainability, and furthermore a few difficulties - effect of activities on seriousness additionally consolidated in this investigation. Foundation of the Study: A developin g stream of study shows that the appropriation of natural and mutually feasible abilities and practices are, at a littlest sum, cost unbiased and regularly set aside open offices and private associations considerable totals of money simultaneously as rising piece of the overall industry, diminishing danger, expanding specialist profitability and partner devotion. It is nothing unexpected then that a rising number of organizations have grasped the idea of manageability in the most recent decade. Natural manageability must be a key thought in the association of each administration structures. And furthermore offices have a key situation to supporting this arrangement for the time of the arranging, activity, production, protection and expulsion of government structures by diminishing negative natural effects and ensuring administrations to the general public are impervious to condition change. â€Å"Using naturally reasonable practices for the administration of government bui
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Affects of Video Games on Children
Do video games truly influence the pieces of a youngster mind? â€Å"The most broadly utilized positive effect computer games are said to have on kids is that they may improve a player’s manual ability and PC literacy†(Norcia, Andrea 1). This is affirming that computer games can help individuals with poor manual expertise aptitudes. My sentiment is that grown-ups ought not accuse animosity of kids for explicit devices, for example, computer games. Computer games ought to be enhanced more now than any other time in recent memory and they influence kids negative by killing their center school. In conclusion rough computer games don't influence kids except if they are oblivious. Computer games are useful in spite of the hostility it intensifies. My announcement regarding this matter is that computer games influence the United States youngsters and youthfulness yet the individuals that play these computer games accept individuals see the idea of gaming incorrectly. Do video games just influence kids that are powerless to the capacity and feelings of the computer game or is it the individual themselves. Individuals have seen likewise that computer games can negatively affect a kid’s social turn of events however as I would see it accept that kids work very well socially for a people who cooperate with computer games. Do you truly accept that computer games really influence the pieces of a child’s mental health? Do you feel that the G. P. An of a kid that plays computer games is lower than one that doesn't? â€Å"It’s accepted despite the fact that computer games have preferences they play effectsly affect children†(Deepa Kartha 16) . The advancements of individuals that play computer games are as accurately natural as individuals who hobnob in various leisure activities. Guardians accept that it can influence a youngsters work if there to concentrated on the computer games and not on the homework. Game fan young people really can concentrate more in school since it keeps there attitude of the genuine words numbness in lawmaking body. Do you accept that games influence kids or is only the computer games that they play that influence them not the computer games? Individuals accept that savage computer games influence the brain more than some other computer game sort out on the planet. Schoolmates accept that youngsters are increasingly influenced by games that have foul pictures in them. Individuals build up the idea that children are influenced with the rest of their personal effects not the activity in a virtual incitement and if that is the situation time will deteriorate. Do you accept that computer games can change the impact that they have on none totally created kids. Do you imagine that individuals and the way that they make computer games cause the youngster to grow seriously or is it the parent? Individuals state that particular sorts of guardians will challenge their kid and accuse their preferred articles for them being terrible and additionally careless parental figures. Do you accept that it very well may be the children flaw for ignoring his examinations since he is playing to numerous computer games? Hypothetical gamers accept that the individuals that play computer games constantly are now and again not even somewhat influenced by the Meer idea that individuals accept they may lose certain psychological capacities from playing a computer game. It is demonstrated that all individuals are probably influenced in some psychological manner when it come to video games that there working synapses grow more slow when they center around the computer generated experience in some computer games. Do you accept that computer games truly influence the mindset of specific individuals that play numerous specific computer games? It has been demonstrated that when playing your demeanor and hostility spots in your mind have been initiated more. The realities have been demonstrated that individuals co grow more when playing videogames with companions and additionally relatives. Certain families play computer games but then they can and still accomplish their schools work. Specific individuals play computer games and content and it doesn’t influence them at all they despite everything capacity smoothly above others. Do you accept that a few children can have computer games influence them just by watching different children and youthful grown-ups play the revolting savagery violence computer games? Individuals depicted I accept that certain videogames can assist you with growing intellectually and to keep kids engaged and working for the following day. Adolescences younger siblings and additionally sister play computer games with me and he has preferable evaluations over I do so I believe that computer games don't influence anything. Individuals accept that a computer game can intellectually keep a few people ready to endeavor however a few people can pay attention to the computer games so there ready to execute themselves in the event that they lose at the virtual life. Do you accept that a few kids can have computer games influence them by collaborating perusing or potentially tuning in to the discourse of the cut scenes in the computer games? In a position of feeling individuals accept that computer games don't influence hildren or yet still the media presently can't seem to confirm the youngsters that have a 4. 0 G. P. An and are effective at life and in adulthood. Individuals accept that they can likewise create from the rough necessities of the computer game world and individuals trust it keeps you in virtual contact. It has been expressed by numerous that if u don't let the game get to genuine than you won't be influenced by the apparent insights of the computer game world. Do your truly accept that computer games can influence the way that you exceed expectations in school or create in mental strategies. Individuals accept that It depends where your conclusion originate from when you build up your decision on having computer games or not. â€Å"It is seen that the normal high schooler computer game player plays video over 5 hours a day†(Norcia, Andrea 18). individuals are accepted to have grown likewise the idea that other than causing kid s to slip up in school it can likewise influence their eyes since kids draw nearer to the TV to interface more. Certain individuals that play computer games accept that it really affects your eyes after significant stretches of time. Others accept that computer games are one of the most precise approaches to quiet down and settle their psyche. It has been portrayed that the oversimplified of the computer game world have been misjudged articles. Individuals believe that kids in reality simply prefer to play computer games and nothing influences them at all perhaps there eyes yet that is it. In the event that kids didn't have computer games I accept that it would make them irritated and baffled that something the grown-ups made for them we be taken from them. It is accepted the advancement of kids relies upon the way that they bring up their youngster in light of the fact that at appointed occasions guardians will accuse their mentality for computer games. Do you accept that computer games really influence the psyche of a little youngster? Does video games have anything to do with a children cerebrum or is it simply the kid themselves it’s accepted to be a sort of mental capacity that influences the psyche of a computer game playing kid. Will it generally be seen that the kids that play computer games can really lose synapses from various lacking computerized computer games? It is accepted by numerous that computer games can be a shrewd kind of propensity or interest yet individuals despite everything play computer games to fill their virtual yearn for the stunning desire of life. Individuals will consistently have their own single idea assessments about youngsters and their psychological improvement when playing computer games since explicit computer game playing kids respond distinctively to it. Do video games truly influence the improvement of parts in a Childs cerebrum or is it the youngster? Do video games influence the psyches of kids or do the kids build up their own feeling of obliviousness. Individuals have played computer games for year and have never has any sort of harm done to them intellectually People accept that they can portray computer games as a virtual universe of energy that can make you change your destinations of life into an alternate kind of point of view. Phew gamers concur with the business on saying that computer games can really influence your point of view with regards to living. Do you accept that everything rotates around video when considering a children synapses or is it simply the savagery and mandate of the computer game. Do you accept that computer games influence the basic pieces of a Childs cerebrum or can it actually intellectually debilitate them? Have you at any point built up the point in this paper kids need computer games with the goal that they can grow all the more brilliantly and learn more things that have life to offer them? Individuals have truly built up a real existence line around the gaming framework that all individuals who play are equivalent to all the others however we as a whole play various games and we as a whole play for various kinds of reasons. Do you despite everything accept that computer game truly influence some portion of the Childs cerebrum or is that simply the manner in which individuals see it to be? Do you truly accept that children can be intellectually influenced by the virtual game world? (Deepa, Kartha 1) States â€Å"Video games were first presented during the 1970s and have now become a perpetual wellspring of fun and amusement for children†. (Norcia, Andrea 2) States â€Å"They are a one of a kind type of diversion, since they urge players to turn into a piece of the game's script†. Can video games help manual finesse and can create various documentations on your PC information. So are computer games for better or for more awful all will they remain or will they leave?
Friday, August 21, 2020
Useful Reader Cover Warnings
Useful Reader Cover Warnings This is a guest post from Justina Ireland. Justina enjoys dark chocolate, dark humor, and is not too proud to admit that she’s still afraid of the dark. She lives with her husband, kid, and dog in Pennsylvania. She is the author of Vengeance Bound and Promise of Shadows, both currently available from Simon and Schuster Books for Young Readers. Her essay “Me, Some Random Guy, and the Army of Darkness†is in the forthcomingThe V-Word, an anthology of personal essays by women about having sex for the first time, published by Beyond Words (SS). You can find Justina on twitter as@tehawesomersace or visit her website ____________________ I’m not a big fan of censorship. I thought the recent Clean Reader App reveal was ridiculous. Banned Books week stokes my righteous fury. The First Amendment in the Bill of Rights is one of my favorite amendments. But in the past few months I’ve started to wonder if maybe it wouldn’t be nice to have warnings on books. Really. I read a lot of science fiction and fantasy, both in the Young Adult and Adult age categories, and I’ve noticed a particular trend that is really terrible: rarely does a female character go the entire story without either being raped or threatened with the possibility of rape. Or both. Repeatedly. This is especially true for secondary female characters, who in some books only exist to receive the threat of sexual violence and give the male main character a reason for Revenge or to move the plot forward. Lady Redshirts, for all you Star Trek fans. This is exhausting to read time and time again, especially when the consequences of the assault are usually given the emotional depth of a teaspoon. Serious Trigger Warnings should be on books so people can avoid the ones that are going to put them in an emotionally unhealthy place, but I’d also like to see warnings of just plain awful content. Let’s call them Reader Warnings: not as serious a business as Trigger Warnings, but still a valuable reader tool. A simple sticker on the front, WARNING: CONTAINS GRAPHIC DESCRIPTIONS OF SEXUAL VIOLENCE THAT ARE QUASI-EROTIC AND WILL MAKE YOU WONDER WHAT THE HELL THE AUTHOR WAS THINKING would go a long way toward helping readers make better informed choices in a crowded market. And I know a lot of people probably think that’s the purpose of reviews, but who has time to read reviews? Also, a Reader’s Warning would give me a quick and easy way to figure out if a book is worth my time, without the spoilery aside that “of course character B died, she has to come back as a ghost for the plot in book three to work.†Just think of the applications! If I’m not in the mood to read an epic fantasy that is going to contain exactly three female characters to a cast of approximately five thousand male characters, then the sticker WARNING: THIS IS A BOOK OF MANLY DUDES DOING MANLY THINGS AND SOMETIMES THE LADIES SHOW UP FOR SOME EMOTIONAL DEPTH BUT DON’T COUNT ON IT would be a real time saver. Think of the time it could save when looking at award winners. WARNING: THIS BOOK IS TYPICAL NAVEL GAZING LITERARY TRIPE ABOUT A MAN AND HIS STRUGGLE WITH BEING A MAN WITH FEELINGS AND IT ONLY GOT AN AWARD BECAUSE THE JUDGES WERE ALL DUDES. JUST GO READ TONI MORRISON INSTEAD. It could even be a tool for increasing diversity. WARNING: THIS BOOK IS FILLED WITH NOTHING BUT WHITE PEOPLE. NOT A SINGLE PERSON OF COLOR EXCEPT FOR A DRUG DEALER AND HE IS DESCRIBED WITH A FOOD METAPHOR BEFORE HE DIES VIOLENTLY IN CHAPTER THREE. The uses are endless! Reader’s Warnings could be a benefit to authors as well. The sticker WARNING: DO NOT READ THIS BOOK UNLESS YOU HAVE TIME TO FINISH IT BECAUSE IT WILL SUCK YOU IN AND YOU WILL ALSO BE RUINED FOR ALL OTHER BOOKS FOR AT LEAST A WEEK SORRY NOT SORRY would make copies practically fly off of shelves. Of course, there would have to be an independent board to vet Reader’s Warnings. We can’t just have anyone throwing nice things on the cover, can we? So, if you could have Reader’s Warnings on books, which ones would you use? ____________________ Book Riot Live is coming! Join us for a two-day event full of books, authors, and an all around good time. Its the convention for book lovers that weve always wanted to attend. So we are doing it ourselves.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Correlation Between Weber s Law And Visual Perception
Abstract The purpose of this study was to measure and record the just-noticeable-difference (or JND) thresholds of random participants using their visual-based perception and to replicate and confirm Weber’s Law. Through this four-level single-factor experiment, these participants were asked to compare two lines which were flashed to them on a computer screen. Their objective at that point was to choose which line was longer of the two that were shown, and this was repeated 160 times at four different levels of line sizes: one inch, two inch, three inch, and four inch with each level having 40 trials. Once the JND values were obtained, they were then statistically analyzed and evaluated in terms of whether or not they were consistent with Weber’s Law. Collection along with the analysis of the data were all done on the University of California, Irvine campus inside the Social Science Laboratory. Based on the results, we can conclude there is a relationship between Weber’s Law and visual perception, but this may not always be true. During the 19th century, popular experimental-based psychologist named Ernst Weber developed a theory on human perception, proclaiming that for a difference to be perceived in two stimuli, they must differ by a certain minimum value, or in other words, a just noticeable difference, also known as difference limen or difference threshold. His contributions to the subject of psychophysics led to his theory being named â€Å"Weber’s Law.†This lawShow MoreRelatedVideo Games1979 Words  | 8 Pagesobservation driven. The other side believes that there is a relation between prolonged exposure to violence in video games and aggression. Disputes between the two are often over the lack of evidence and the questioning of psychological interpretations. Method of Investigation: The way this issue is studied is through psychological studies. 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Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it. PARTRead MoreAdl 01 - Principles and Practices of Management Study Material.Pdf Uploaded Successfully30836 Words  | 124 PagesDefinitions Principles of co-ordination Need for co-ordination Techniques of co-ordination Types of co-ordination Importance of co-ordination Hindrances to co-ordination Meaning of control Characteristics of Control The elements of control Relationship between the elements of control and information Process of Controlling Kinds of control Principles and Practices of Management ADL 01 Preface This book Principles and Practice in management is an attempt to design a comprehensive introduction to theRead MoreCase Studies: Sas Airline Ryanair80169 Words  | 321 Pagesof change that can occur. According to Entrepreneurship theories, the removal of regulatory barriers creates opportunities to different reallocation of resources that can lead to changes in market equilibrium. This study addresses this relation between deregulation and entrepreneurship-innovation in the European airline industry. 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Peter Holdt Christensen, Associate Professor, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark McAuley et al.’s book is thought-provoking, witty and highly relevant for understanding contemporary organizational dilemmas. The book engages in an imaginative way with a wealth of organizational concepts and theories as well as provides insightful examples from the
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
The Ethics of War and the War in Iraq Essay - 6365 Words
We are here tonight to talk about the ethics of war. Now to some minds this phrase â€Å"the ethics of war†will likely cause raised eyebrows. â€Å"The ethics of war? What can ethics possibly have to do with war? Isn’t war evil?†Well, of course it is. War is a terrible thing. The existence and prevalence of war in history is, in fact, ample testimony to the depravity and wickedness of Man. The conduct of war involves the intentional killing of human beings and the destruction of property. War inevitably causes untold suffering. I do not think that any rational person can ever say without qualification that war is good. War is something that we would all rather do without. And as Christians it is our earnest hope that someday God, in his mercy†¦show more content†¦Of course, it is also possible that both sides in a given war may be unjust. But, to reiterate, there can never be a just war in which both sides are justified in fighting the war. At least one side in any war will be unjust. When we look at the criteria for a just war later, this will become more clear. Now I have already indicated that I believe that war can sometimes be morally justified. So, it should be obvious that I reject pacifism and embrace the JWT. So let me now turn to discuss pacifism in more detail and explain why I reject it and why you ought to reject it too. An Evaluation of Pacifism Let me first address Christian pacifism, the view that Christians should not participate in war, though it is morally permissible for non-Christians to do so. In other words, those who advocate Christian pacifism recognize that human government has a responsibility to protect its citizens from harm, and that this governmental responsibility may require that a country go to war to fend off foreign aggression. In such cases, those who hold this view would say that most citizens of the country (the non-Christian citizens) can go to war, but not the Christian citizens. Why would someone hold to this position? Ordinarily what is permissible for people in general is permissible for everyone. If it is just and right for the non-Christian citizens to fight off a foreign invader, why would it be wrong for Christians to help out? Well, according toShow MoreRelatedEssay War Ethics in Iraq821 Words  | 4 Pagesthreat and aggravated assault. These are serious war crimes charged to a leader who was undeserving of such implications. The villains here are the politicians who prevent soldiers like LTC West from efficiently fighting the war in Iraq. LTC West a battalion officer in Iraq during on or about January of 2003 to October of 2003; made a controversial decision. LTC West and his battalion of artillery and infantry was a fighting unit in Iraq. Fighting units are the units that are actuallyRead MoreEthics As A Code Of Conduct880 Words  | 4 PagesEthics, in politics, can be used as a ‘code of conduct’ – a set of rules or norms for diplomatic behaviour. When considering ethics as a constraint on states and political institutions, it can be argued to be powerful and influential. However, the question of whether politics can be improved by ethics is debatable. The aim of this essay is to highlight evidence for and against the notion of whether ethics can constrain and improve politics through the use of realism and cosmopolitanism, their argumentsRead MoreWas The 2003 Invasion Of Iraq A Legitimate Humanitarian Intervention?1233 Words  | 5 Pagesinvasion in Iraq a legitimate humanitarian inte rvention? ​Whether the 2003 invasion in Iraq was a legitimate humanitarian intervention or not, is two folded. For instance, when viewed in the perspective of protecting the Iraqi citizens from the inhumane reign that they were subjected to, the invasion can said to be legitimate humanitarian intervention. On the other hand, when the invasion is seen in terms of its aftermath such as the destruction caused by it, the unpredictability nature of the war (LambethRead MoreWho is Responsible for the Establishment of the War in Iraq?699 Words  | 3 PagesAccountability: After reviewing the just war theory in relation to the war in Iraq, it is assessed the Iraq war did not meet the requirements for the Iraq war. Michael Walzer stated that, ‘the Iraq war was an unnecessary war and unnecessary wars are also unjust wars’ (Religion and Ethics news weekly, 2009, Online). As a result, the Iraq war did not have a plausible cause or authorisation for intervention. Due to the failure to assess whether Iraq did conceal WMD, Weapons inspector David Kay arguesRead MoreReassessing the Impacts of ‘WikiLeaks and the Iraq War Logs’ 621 Words  | 3 Pages‘WikiLeaks and the Iraq War Logs’ had shocked the population across the globe, leaving a tragic imprint in our minds from the 400,000 classified logs. Bradley Manning, the leaker, wanted to ‘change the world for the better’. However, the word ‘better’ have caused unlimited questions to be raised, which allowed us to reassess the impact it had put ou t into the world. Views were varied through different perceptions, whether it was better or worst for the society. Nonetheless, in order to judge theRead MorePersian Gulf And Iraq War1089 Words  | 5 Pages2015 Persian Gulf Iraq War The Persian Gulf/ Iraq War was one of the longest wars in American history. The Iraq War alone lasted nine years, and the Persian Gulf War lasted a little over a year. Many veterans faced hardships upon returning home. These hardships include: illness, homelessness, and unemployment in the midst of one of America s worst economic depressions in history. Shouldn t veterans be treated better? The Persian Gulf War, otherwise known as the Gulf War was an internationalRead MoreWhy Do Some States Engage In War? This Has Been A Crucial1744 Words  | 7 PagesWhy do some states engage in war? This has been a crucial question for humanity as well as for many international relations scholars that study the relationship between states and how they coexist in the international context. Throughout history, many influential thinkers have come up with theories to explain the nature of the international system and the behavior of states. Liberal theories such as the democratic peace theory argue that war can be justifiable if it represents the establishment ofRead MoreEthics And Morality : A Noble Cause Corruption1196 Words  | 5 PagesEthics and morality are broad topics of everyday life. Instinctively, we as humans know the difference between right and wrong but in some cases, our ethics will narrow. Actions and decisions become selfish and for the sole purpose of personal gai n. In some cases, unethical ways may even be illegal. Noble cause corruption is a prime example of when a person will utilize unethical means for a result to benefit the greater good. Noble cause corruption differs with traditional corruption. TraditionalRead MoreA Brief History of Iraq737 Words  | 3 PagesIraq borders Turkey to the North and Iran to the East. Iraq was colonized by Great Britain in particular, British efforts to colonize and govern Iraq were miscalculated and self serving, resulting in the creation of an unbalanced and violent nation, divided along ethic and separation lines of many different ethnic backgrounds. The failures of the Cairo Conference along with the lack of understanding between Britain’s understanding of the Arab nationalist movement and the appointment of Faisal asRead MoreThe War And The Iraq War862 Words  | 4 PagesThe Gulf War and the Iraq war can reflect the tension between a phenomenon is that the United States and the Middle Ea st. The American media reported on the two Gulf War had many similarities. In the recent ten years, with the development of social economy and media technology has increased democratization, media reports and presents new features about the media. The topic of what the role of wars in the society has been discussed for many people. Some people argue that during the war, everything
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
What makes a business successful Free Essays
I have chosen to analyses three successful businesses to understand how each business has gained their success, these businesses Include Apple, Sad and McDonald’s. Other than having success with a growing profit I will explain other factors that they have used. Apple Is an Innovative business that has dominated the technology sector. We will write a custom essay sample on What makes a business successful? or any similar topic only for you Order Now They have plenty of experience, since they have been In the technology industry for over 30 years. This means they have enough knowledge for their market and know how to meet consumer demands. Also they have an excellent racketing team that promotes their product worldwide most commonly through their simple yet effective TV adverts. They have a strong brand identity compared to its competitors since their apple logo is so recognized worldwide. Sad is a massive supermarket the 2nd largest retailer in the I-J following behind Tests. However I still believe that Sad is successful due to their main aim that Is based upon focusing on their customers. This Includes providing a friendly service and also by consistently putting the customer first by lowering prices to save money which automatically attracts more new consumers and also growing a larger market online. McDonald’s Is the world’s most popular fast food franchise with over 60 million customers per day. I believe It’s such a successful company because of their sponsorship deals, they often team up with media partners for example film companies such as Dreadlocks when they release a new movie you are likely to see that theme in your local McDonald’s. Also they have mastered international expansion which creates a huge global presence within over 100 countries. I have also chosen three businesses that are unsuccessful to carry out further research on which includes Blockbuster I-J, HEM and Comet. I will explain why I consider each business has failed in their market and how we can learn from their mistakes. Blockbuster UK is a film rental store that used to dominate the industry. It’s faced troubles from the Increase of competitors that are online, they offer to stream films over the Internet which Is more suited to their current target market that are technology obsessed. The business which Is currently dominating Is Nettling that Is a popular website rather than a postal service meaning it’s more ideal. It’s a wealthy and powerful rival. What we can learn from this is that as a business you have to develop and match customers needs by focusing on what would be preferred by the customer and always adapting to new trends. HEM had an overall decline in sales for CDC and DVD’S undermined by competition from online retailers and online downloads. The common trend among music lovers was to buy their music in digital form rather than buying a CD. HEM has failed to keep their face and instead struggled with handling debt. What we can learn from this is exactly the same with Blockbusters that we need to develop the business in different ways to attach the target market allowing them to survive and succeed such as WHO Smith. Comet reached a downfall due to new competitors and the movement of Internet competitors Is popular meaning other competitors have a larger target market and loyal customers. Also the market Is extremely competitive since new products are being made so princes half each year which means retailers have to sell double to online because it tends to be cheaper. What we can learn from this is that to become a successful business you need to understand the online world. Business must now offer different options such as a shop and a website. How to cite What makes a business successful?, Papers
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Gender Inequity in Education Political Institutions
Question: Discuss about the Gender Inequity in Education for Political Institutions. Answer: Introduction: Gender inequity in education and its relation to political institutions, religion, and culture is the topic discussed by Cooray Potrafke in this article. They investigate by use of empirical methods the role played by religion, political institutions or culture in triggering gender inequality in education. The authors of the article are of the view that political systems do not significantly contribute to gender inequality in education as compared to culture and religion. Further, the article highlight that political systems do not discriminate against girls in offering education opportunities but religious and cultural systems does. After a thorough analysis of the empirical evidence the article conclude that gender disparity in education cannot be attributed to political institutions but religion and culture, however, cultural transformation can narrow the gender variation in education. The article is useful in my essay especially in establishing the causes of gender disproportion in education. In addition, the article is reliable for research because the authors draw their data from empirical evidence. This article will be among my primary sources due to its systematic study of the concept of gender inequality in education. I find this article to be an important literature in developing knowledge on gender inequality and especially in the area of education. In this article, Klasen Lamanna develops the topic on the impact of gender disparity in education and employment on economic expansion. The article majorly focuses on investigating the extent to which gender inequity in education has reduced economic advancement. The authors principally hold that inequality in education and especially female education has significance on the creation of human capital and the fertility and thus efforts to lower the gender disparity will stimulate economic growth. The article concludes by illustrating that reduction of the current inequality in the education will propel not only economic development but also further other essential and valuable goals such as child mortality, fertility, and under-nutrition. The article is informative for my essay, as my topic is going to cover on the cause and effect of gender variation in education. It would particularly be helpful in assessing the impacts that gender discrimination in education has had and still has in the socio-economic phenomenon. The article is limited in the sense that it fails to analyze other valuable goals beyond economic growth, yet it suggests that gender variation in education has impacts in other valuable development goals. This article will form the foundation of my paper thus; will be used as a primary material. The evidence on impacts of gender inequality in education in the article will be used to support my arguments in the essay. References: Cooray, A., Potrafke, N. (2011). Gender inequality in education: Political institutions or Culture and Religion?. European Journal of Political Economy, 27(2), 268-280. Klasen, S., Lamanna, F. (2009). The impact of gender inequality in education and employment On economic growth: new evidence for a panel of countries. Feminist economics, 15(3), 91-132.
Thursday, April 2, 2020
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (Aids) free essay sample
Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a killer disease, viewed as the deadliest disease that human kind has ever experienced is caused by the Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). (Irwin et al xxv)  One is said to be suffering from AIDS when their immune system has completely been compromised by the virus. According to Alexander and others in their distinguished book ‘Global AIDS’, â€Å"Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), is the medical designation for a set of symptoms, opportunistic infections and laboratory markers that indicate that one is in the advanced stage of HIV infection and has an impaired immune system†. (Irwin et al xxv). HIV Aids was first discovered in 1981 and as at 2005 approximately 40.3 million people were living with the virus. (Irwin et al 5). There are many myths surrounding the origin of HIV with some arguing that it originated from outer space or was artificially created and escaped from a laboratory. However it is argued that HIV is a natural virus that initially affected ape like creatures in Africa and man may have acquired the virus from close contacts with these creatures. We will write a custom essay sample on Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (Aids) or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page (Johnson 11). Mode of transmission.  The HIV that causes Aids is transmitted through direct contact with infected body fluids which include semen, vaginal fluids or secretions, blood as well as breast milk. Pregnant mothers can pass the virus to their babies during delivery or when they are breast feeding them. (Irwin et al xxvi).  Aids has a long incubation period and one can live with the virus without any sign of illness for up to 10 years during which they may continue to spread the virus. Some people may however develop the clinical signs of Aids sooner than this time span and the opportunistic diseases will vary from one region to the next. For instance in the sub Saharan Africa, tuberculosis will be more common as opposed to America. During the incubation stage unless a test to confirm if one has the virus it is difficult to. This factor makes the spreading of the disease easy and faster. (Johnson 10). The good news about the HIV Aids is that unlike other diseases that are airborne and hence highly contagious this virus cannot be transferred through handshake or sneezing from infected persons. This implies that it can effectively be contained if people observed positive behavioral practices. Although research has it that HIV has been found in minimal quantities in infected people’s saliva, tears and sweat there are limited chances of one acquiring the virus through these secretions. HIV is unable to survive outside the host and will therefore not be transmitted when outside the host. Research has also established that insect’s bites such as mosquitoes do not transmit the HIV. ( Risk factors  The risk factors for the acquisition of the HIV AIDS include having unsafe sexual relationships with many partners as well as using intravenous drugs. There are however some social economic factors that increase the chances of one acquiring the virus. Poverty, discrimination as well as gender inequalities increase the chances of one acquiring the HIV. (Irwin et al xxviii). Women in the sub-Saharan Africa tend to be most affected by HIV Aids which could be attributed to the high level of gender inequality as well as poverty levels in the region. Extreme poverty sees some women result to prostitution where they cannot effectively negotiate for safer sex in the highly patriarchal societies. (Suad and Afsaneh 4). The polygamous nature of men in the region also has a role to play in the spreading of the virus in the sub Saharan region. Even in marriage some men are known t be promiscuous or unfaithful and though they may be aware of the danger this poses to them their wives continue to have unprotected sex with them. Gender discrimination sees many women get infected as their say is rarely respected. (Okeyo and Allen 20-25). Poverty also sees many young girls engage in sexual relationships with older men who offer them financial support. (Suad and Afsaneh 160). This increases their chances of contracting the virus as in these societies the pleasures of men will be prioritized to those of women. Negotiating for safer sex while there is a level of financial dependence and in a highly patriarchal society would be a difficult task. Preventive measures Since the major method in which the HIV AIDS is transmitted is through sexual intercourse with infected persons, the chances of being infected can therefore be reduced through the use of male or female condoms. Adoption of safer sex especially for those who have more than one sex partners can be an effective way of reducing the chances of getting infected. Proper usage of latex condoms can effectively reduce HIV aids transmissions. The lambskin condoms may not be very effective as they may have natural pores that can allow the passing of the virus from an infected partner to uninfected partner. ( Among the intravenous drug users the chances of contracting the virus can be significantly reduced if they stopped sharing needles as well as other injection equipment as one infected person can transmit it to other persons through this. (Johnson 15). The application of â€Å"PMTC†or the prevention from mother to child through short course antiretroviral medication before delivery can also has an important role to play in reducing the chances of transmission from the mother to the child. Blood supplies especially among the medical professionals must also be handled with care to avoid contracting the virus. (Irwin et al 9). People with the virus ought to live healthier lifestyles where they observe balanced diets, exercise well and have adequate rest. Rigorous education programs to ensure the creation of awareness across all populations is essential in all populations. People should be offered accurate information on how the virus is contracted, the behavioral risks and how they can prevent themselves from contracting it. (Nokes 3). Encouraging people to get tested is also an effective strategy as with this knowledge unknowing transmissions would be minimal. Treatment  Sadly, there is no known cure for Aids but through the antiretroviral medication (ARV), AIDS is medically managed. The ARV’s stops the HIV from replicating thus reducing the amount of virus that is running in a patient’s blood stream consequently restoring the immune function. The ARV treatment should be continued for life and it is known to have less severe side effects although with time patients may have some level of resistance to some medications. (Irwin et al  Xxvii). However these medication is attributed for the reduced AIDS related deaths as well as the enhancement of life to those who apply it. Challenges curbing the war on Aids.  Barriers to effective prevention methods which are quite in clear in theory are associated with people’s cultural as well as economic orientation. Ignorance and misinformation about HIV aids continue to hinder the successful fight against the deadly disease. Another challenge is that despite their positive contribution is prolonging and enhancing the lives of many, the ARV medication remains inaccessible to many especially in the developing countries. (Irwin et al  xxviii). Some cultural backgrounds also make the war against Aids a difficult task especially in the third world countries where the topic of sexuality is perceived as a taboo and consequently highly avoided. Works cited: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. HIV and Its Transmission. Retrieved on 13th May 2009 from Irwin, Alexander, Millen Joyce and Fallows Dorothy. Global AIDS: myths and facts:  tools for fighting the AIDS pandemic. South End Press, 2003 Johnson, Paula. HIV and AIDS. The Rosen Publishing Group, 2007 Nokes, Kathleen.  HIV/AIDS and the older adult. Taylor Francis Publishers 1996 Okeyo, M. and Allen K. â€Å"Influence of widow inheritance in epidemiology of AIDS in Africa†. African Journal of Medical Practice vol 1 (1): 1994. 20-25. Suad Joseph and Afsaneh Najmabadi. Encyclopedia of Women Islamic Cultures:  Family, body, sexuality and health. Brill, Publisher 2003
Sunday, March 8, 2020
hfd essays
hfd essays The story of Jekyll and Hyde explores the concept of both good and evil existing at the same time in the human being. Although both are present, one of the two usually prevails. Like Robert L. Stevenson's novel, Macbeth explores this concept as well. Although good and evil exist in Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, we see the two at different times. When Lady Macbeth pushed Macbeth to murder Duncan, her "evil" side was conquering his "good" side. In this way, "evil" prevailed over "good." Throughout the play, we see Macbeth and his wife in a constant struggle between the "good" and "evil" within In the conclusion of Macbeth, the final battle between Macbeth and Macduff is encountered, where in conclusion goodness prevails o'er evil. Macduff holds Macbeth's head, in a final declaration of success, whereby the evils are punished, and the good are rewarded. This signifies the final power shift of the play, in the event that goodness finally Finally, this play teaches some quite important moral values: that one should never let power influence rational decisions; that honesty eventually prevails; that ambition can be extremely dangerous; and that ultimately, good always overcomes evil. Darkness prevails until the final painting of light morning skies over the hills I find this story striking, powerful and terrible. In this tragedy, prevails a climate of a cursed fatality. There is a deep feeling of mystery. We feel an atmosphere of fear all along "Macbeth". And Macbeth is such an interesting character ! In fact, it's an infernal charm who will take him in a trap and this victorious and ambitious warrior will succumb to temptation. All along this tale, we experience the presence of the three witches of the night. I think Macbeth's crime wasn't very necessary ...
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Arab-Israeli Conflict and its impacts on International relations Research Paper
Arab-Israeli Conflict and its impacts on International relations - Research Paper Example That action immediately led to the first military conflict between Israel and few Arab countries, followed by a series of major Wars as well as minor conflicts between them throughout the second part of the 20th century. Among these conflicts, the Suez Crisis and the Six Day War were considered to be the important wars, because those wars not only impacted the geographical ‘make-up’ of the area but also impacted the international relations of various countries. That is, the international relations of the involved Arab states, Israel as well as then superpowers, United States and Soviet Union underwent changes, with alignments and realignments happening. USA and Soviet Union played ‘major’ roles in impacting or even ‘dictating’ many countries’ international relations in that period. Because of that role, equations between them, as well as their relations with the Arab states and Israel evolved maximally due to the Arab-Israeli conflicts impacting the International relations from 1945. Although, during the First Arab-Israeli conflict, USA and Soviet Union sided with Israel, realignment started happening before the Suez crisis and during the Six Day War, wit h Soviet Union siding with the Arab states, while USA supported Israel and also tried its best to maintain its neutral stance. This paper will discuss how Arab-Israeli conflicts reached the crescendo during the Suez Crisis and the Six Day War impacting the international relations of not only the involved countries but also other major countries. Genesis of the Conflict Before the World War I (1914-1918), the present day territories of Israel and Palestine were under the control of the Turkish Ottoman Empire.1 However, with the Arabs feeling discriminated under Turkish control, they fought and drove out the Ottomans with the aid of the British, who were against the Ottomans for their support of Germany. British elicited the support of the Arabs to fight against the Ottomans by promising to give them, the conquered land. In 1916, the British Commissioner in Egypt, Sir Henry McMahon gave a promise to the Arab leadership that in the aftermath of the war, former Ottoman provinces can be given to them. â€Å"I am empowered in the name of the Government of Great Britain to give the following assurances†¦Great Britain is prepared to recognise and support the independence of the Arabs in all the regions within the limits demanded by the Sherif of Mecca.†2 However, in 1917, the British Foreign Minister Arthur Balfour gave another commitment to the leading Zionist leader, Lord Rothschild that Britain is committed to â€Å"the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people†, which came to be referred as the as the Balfour Declaration. 3 When the British got the territories through the League of Nations in the aftermath of the First World War, they minimally allocated the territories to the Arabs, and kept Palestine under their control.4 This mixed stance of the British continued for years to come. During these years, there was heightened inflow of the Jews into these territories. The Jewish Immigration to the Holy Land, which was go ing on since the 1880s
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Analaysis ratio Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Analaysis ratio - Research Paper Example In comparison, Tesco offers massive return to its share holders. The trend resembling that of Morrison, the ROE of Tesco also decreases in the financial year 2009. From investor’s point of view, it is far more lucrative to invest in Tesco as compared to Morrison’s as the earlier gives an attractive return on the investments. Return on Capital Employed Being quite similar to the ROE, the ROCE of Morrison’s also illustrates that the profits of the company declined after the financial year 2008. One reason for decrease in the ratio could be due to the fact that in the years subsequent to the financial year 2008, the Morrison’s might have issued new shares in order to raise capital. It has been generally observed that it takes time for the fresh injected capital to generate the desired returns and even if it does, it is not in proportion. ROCE is better in Tesco comparatively which represents that the company is providing expected and lucrative returns to both the financers and shareholders. Net Assets Turnover The net assets turnover analyzes how effectively the company is utilizing its asset in generating the sales revenue. Morrison’s net assets turnover ratio increased in the financial year 2009 as compared to 2008.
Monday, January 27, 2020
A Dolls House as a Problem Play
A Dolls House as a Problem Play A Dolls House is one of the major realistic problem plays of Henrik Ibsen. In A Dolls House, Nora Helmer is the main character. She is the wife of Torvald Helmer, who is a bank manager. The story happens when Christmas is coming. To keep the job in Torvalds bank, Krostad, who is the man that Nora borrowed money from to pay the trip to Italy to cure her husband, threatens her that he will tell Torvald she forged her fathers signature to borrow money if she doesnt help him to talk with Torvald. She tries to do what Krostad wants because she is fearful that she will lose the family when Torvald knows about that. However, what she is afraid of happen. She spends a whole night to think about what happened, and she realized that Torvald and she dont understand each other. Finally, she decides to leave him and her children to discover her own life where she can find her own self. By separating the various themes of faux marriage and broken family, Henrik Ibsen focuses on the place of women with Nora as his central character. Nora chooses divorce at the end to free not only Torvald but also herself. Just holding a marriage without love, communication, trust, and toleration, the marriage between them cannot last forever. The reasons that lead to divorce in the play are relevant in the world today. Love is the first base to build a strong marriage. Without love, marriage will be destroyed easily. In A Dolls House play, the marriage of Torvald and Nora is seemed very happy, but truthfully, Torvald didnt really love Nora. With him, she is woman who is under his control. After her forging her fathers signature is disclosed, she realizes that her marriage is built without their real love. Torvald pretends to love Nora, and she pretends to love him. She feels that she is living a lie while she lives with him as a doll. She did and thought the same as what he said. Nora claims, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦You arranged everything to your tastes, and I acquired the same tastes. Or I pretended toà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ I dont really knowà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ I think it was a bit of both, sometimes one thing and sometimes the other. When I look back, it seems to me I have been living here like a beggar, from hand to mouthà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦(Ibsen 858). When Torvald asked whether she had been happy living with him or n ot, she answers no although she hopes that she was. Therefore, building a marriage without love definitely hurts the relationship between husband and wife as it hurt the relationship between Torvald and Nora. A balance of love is needed in any marriage. Another quality that leads to failed marriage in the play and the world today is the lack of communication. Two soul-mates need to communicate in a relationship. Because Nora understands Torvalds character and doesnt want to let him worry, she didnt talk to him about borrowing money from Krogstad to cure his illness. Moreover, when they talk to each other, they always say about money and work. In the Act I, Nora is seen as a spendthrift her husbands eyes. She always says money when Torvald asks her what she wants. Because of that fact, Torvald seem to be a person who really loves his wife when he agrees with all her requests, but he didnt know what she really wants. The lack of communication makes them cannot understand each other. In the play, Nora realizes that they didnt talk enough through eight years when she says, We have now been married eight years. Hasnt it struck you this is the first time you and I, man and wife, have had a serious talk together? (Ibsen 858). The answer wa s no. That is why Nora didnt tell her husband about her secret. Just because of the poor communication, a marriage can never hope to live onward. Although love and communication are important in marriage, trust is also necessary to build a marriage stronger. Torvald had almost no trust in Nora. When Nora needed some money to buy some things for Christmas, he jeered at her. He state, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦if only you really did buy something for yourself with it. But it just get mixed up with the housekeeping and frittered away on all sorts of useless thing, and then I have to dig into my pocket all over again (Ibsen 815). With spendthrift character, Nora lacks trust in her husband, and it is not good for their marriage. It makes them have no trust or even suspect each other. Without trust, marriage becomes impossible. Last but not least, toleration is also necessary in marriage to help them closer. Although they have a good relationship, if they dont have toleration, they will be separated. In the play, both Torval and Nora dont have toleration. This is one of the reasons that lead to their divorce. When Torvald know about what Nora have done, he very angry and doesnt want to forgive her for her fault. He even requests that she has to stay away form him. When he reads the second letter from Krosgtad, he is calmed down and forgives for her fault, but it was too late because she realizes that he didnt love her. She is the same as her husband. She cannot forgive for a person who cares nothing more than him. She finally decides to leave her family to discover a new life where she can find her own self. She says, If I never reach any understanding of myself and the thing around me, I must learn to stand alone. Thats why I cant stay here with you any longer (Ibsen 859). With the strong tone, her determi ned attitude about leaving is shown up although Torvald begs her to stay with him. In conclusion, A Dolls House is a great play of Henrik Ibsen. A Dolls House leaves us a message that holding a marriage without four qualities above is impossible. The marriage of Torvald and Nora Helmer had many problems because they got married without real love, hold their marriage without trust, have the poor communication to understand each other, and have no toleration to forgive for their faults. A Dolls House teaches us a lesson that getting married with our loves is easy, but keeping our marriage can last forever is not easy as we thought. Work Cited Ibsen, Henrik. A Dolls House. Literature for Composition. Ed. Sylvan Barnet et al. 8th ed. New York: Longman, 2007. 813-862.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Gender Stereotypes Among Childrens Toys Essay -- Stereotypes Toys Gen
Gender Stereotypes Among Children's Toys      When you walk into the toy section of any store, you do not need a sign to indicate which section is the girls’ side and which section is the boys’ side. Aside from all the pink, purple, and other pastel colors that fill the shelves on the girls’ side, the glitter sticks out a lot as well. The boys’ toys however are mostly dark colors – blue, black, red, gray, or dark green. The colors typically used on either side are very stereotypical in themselves.      I noticed the girls’ toys engaged fine motor skills more than the boys’ toys did. The girls have several different types and sizes of dolls to choose from – however, this also makes dolls or items used with dolls (Barbie clothes, doll clothes, doll houses, Barbie cars, and doll furniture) over half of all the products in the girls’ section. This shows the stereotypical attitude that all girls like to nurture and will someday be expected to be mothers and the primary care giver for their children. Other toys I noticed that were very stereotypical were the child size vacuum, broom, and kitchen set. Even at this young age we teach girls it is part of their role to cook and clean.      Another stereotype I saw demonstrated in the girls section was the idea that all girls are animal lovers. A large section of the girls’ side was filled with different stuffed animals or other toy animals like â€Å"Pound Puppies†or â€Å"My Little Ponies†. Mostly the girls’ toys used fine motor sk...
Saturday, January 11, 2020
A Man for All Seasons: Play About Thomas More Essay
A Man for All Seasons written by Robert Bolt is a play about a man, Thomas More, who lives by his beliefs and eventually dies because of his beliefs. The play has a simple theme, played out through a few main characters. Rich’s character and personality prevent More from being successful. The first appearance of Rich in the play happens right away in the first scene. This is the first time you get to see his personality. Rich and More have an argument, as to whether every man is capable of being bribed. Rich believes that money, status or women, can bribe anyone. More doesn’t agree with him completely but is intrigued with his belief that a man can be bought with materials. Rich is referring to the fact that he has read Machiavelli, which More later teases him of. Machiavelli’s morals are different from More’s. More admires his private conscience above things like personal advancement, but Machiavelli gives advice about the opposite. Rich’s reference to Machiavelli seems to show that he and Thomas Cromwell will spare no one to achieve success later in the play. At the end of the scene More tells the duke that Rich needs a job, but that he doesn’t necessarily recommend Rich, which displays More’s view of Rich. More is a well respected man, so his opinion on someone would be a valid one. Right from the beginning of the play you can see the difference between Rich’s and More’s characters. More obviously cares for Rich’s well being. Rich’s lust for power and wealth in the end gets the best of him and any kind of guidance or advice given from More is ignored. It’s interesting to note that More does care for Rich. In his interaction with Rich in the first scene, More teaches by testing Rich by offering him the goblet, letting Rich know that the goblet was a bribe and is therefore ? dirtied’. More understands Rich’s faults from the beginning of the play, but he tries to nurture Rich anyway. This is another excellent example of More’s superior character. It’s unfortunate that Rich eventually perjures himself to sentence More to death. A Man for All Seasons focuses on Rich’s rise in status almost as much as it does the fall of More. More and his beliefs get him death, while Rich gains greater status and more and more wealth, at the cost of his friend More. Throughout the book you can see Rich fall deeper and deeper into his own loss of innocence. At the end of Act One, Rich and Cromwell are having a conversation. Cromwell offers Rich the job as Collector of Revenue in return he wants information about the goblet given to him by More. Rich ? laments’ that he has lost his innocence, â€Å"I’m Lamenting. I’ve lost my innocence (44). †The scene seems to show that Rich has sold his soul to the Devil. In this scene Rich isn’t entirely sure about what he is doing which shows that at this point there is still some humanity left in him. The final fall of Rich’s character occurs at the end of the play when Rich takes the stand at Mores trial. Rich is asked to testify about his conversation with More before the trial on what More’s stance was on what the King was doing. Rich says, â€Å"Parliament has made our King Head of the Church. Why will you not accept him?†¦ Then he said parliament had no power to do it (94). †By perjuring against More he has pulled the final straw and officially hands himself over to greed and lust for power. More’s standout character is shown once again when he says to Rich, â€Å"In good faith, Rich, I am sorrier for your perjury than my peril. †In the end for perjuring against More Rich is given the job of attorney General of Wales. Throughout the play we see the fall of Thomas More and the rising of Rich. The contrast of Rich’s gain in status and Mores loss of status, really makes the play. It seems that the author doesn’t try to make his characters stand for anyone thing in particular, but in Rich’s case he is a symbol of the tendency to surrender to the temptation of wealth and status. Throughout the play you never get any real depth of Rich as a person. This seems to be what the author is trying to do because Rich works as a perfect contrast to More without taking anything away from More’s character. Without the contrast of Rich’s character we wouldn’t get to see who More really is. Rich’s character shows us all what impact money and status can have on us.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Film Analysis Of The Emoji Movie - 2078 Words
The world is changing, people are communicating with each other in ways people even as recently as 40 years ago could have never dreamed of. The words â€Å"Emoji Movie†are one of a new generation, one of a new voice, a â€Å"this is how we talk now and we don’t care if you like it or not†generation. This movie is something that could have only been made in 2017. This movie is what the world needed to define a generation that needs to be defined. It shows themes of outcasting, loneliness, bullying, being yourself, feminism, strong female and male characters, doing what is right and just having fun along the way. That sounds like life right now, and life right now sounds like The Emoji Movie. Life right now also sounds like The Emoji Movie because†¦show more content†¦He fails at his emoji job because of this and runs away, taking the Hi-5 emoji, who recently has been kicked out of the â€Å"favorites†emoji and feels depressed. They search for a need to belong, and be accepted where they need to be too properly function in the society ran by Smiler, the emoji who controls the jobs all the other emojis have. Smiler wants Hi-5 to accept that he’s not a favorite emoji and wants Gene to be destroyed by killer robots, who are not emojis but exist in this universe for some reason. They run away and find a girl hacker named Jailbreak, who is an emoji, but left that lifestyle behind to become a hacker who agrees to help the misfits on their quest to be back in the emoji world and accepted for who they are and not get killed by killer robots. On this journey they venture through apps searching for a way to get back. Gene’s parents wish to find their son and have him not be killed for being different. Further messages come when Jailbreak, is SPOILER ALERT revealed to be a princess emoji who didn’t want to be a princess so she left that lifestyle behind to go off the grid and become her own thing, in this case a hacker. This along with her general image makes her believed to be a strong feminist character who doesn’t want to fit into the heteronormative princess role. Where it all goes wrong is the plot, which is worthless garbage to say it bluntly. When of the earliest scenes in your movie involves distinguished British actorShow MoreRelatedRhetorical Analysis Of The Emoji Movie1005 Words  | 5 PagesIntroduction: In the past few weeks there has been great backlash on a movie that had been released called ‘ The Emoji Movie’. Megan Garber, a staff writer at ‘ The Atlantic ‘ situated in Washington releases an article on why ‘The Emoji movie ‘ fails. The goal I want to achieve by writing this essay is to identify how the author builds the argument of the topic using different rhetorical strategies and check if the author established solid credible evidence to validate the arguments she made. SummaryRead MoreHarry Potter And The Deathly Hallows4316 Words  | 18 PagesHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 Critical Analysis of the trailer By Lydia Turner Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 released in 2011 and directed by David Yates. Warner Bros distributed the film. It is based upon Harry Potter the Deathly Hallows written by J.K Rowling that was split in to two parts this film was the final film of the whole series, which consisted of eight films. The films target audience are people of the ages of 15 to 24 however younger and older audiencesRead MoreMagical Discourse Markers Used On Mandarin1895 Words  | 8 Pagesthe most common discourse marker used in Mardrain that is Ni Shuo Ne? which translated is what do you think? in the different situation that has a different meaning. I will focus on the discourse marker Ni Shuo Ne used in real life and film and television and novels and analyze the different meaning in different situation Ni Shuo Ne is one of the most frequent discourse marker use in Mandarin as a daily conversation. However, the reference to the discourse marker of Ni Shuo Ne
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